Update on the progress


B2. Pilot building and operation.


Pilot building of the bioreactor will be carried out in REYDESA´s facilities in Spain and 10-20 semi-industrial batches will be developed.


The design of the required technology to reproduce the process has been carried out, increasing the scale to a capacity of 50L. Providers have been contacted and the revision of bids is nearly completed.

Fig. Design of the required technology for the 50 L reactor.

In the meantime, the revision of the laboratory material needed for the test has been performed. Before starting the test on a 50L reactor, the consortium has to be previously adapted to the PCB in flasks of 250ml, increasing the volume progressively, being the previous volume to the 50L-reactor a 10L-reactor already owned by INATEC. This reactor, equipped with sensors and agitation, has been checked and the reagents and material required for working with microorganisms have been listed.

Fig. Test performed in the 10 L reactor in order to check the performance.


Processing PCBs includes several steps of crushing and separation until a non-metallic fraction to test by bioleaching technology is obtained. Next figure shows the three steps of the global
process where the material has to pass until the final fraction is achieved:

Figure 1. Material through each step of the process.


1st STEP: The process begins with the crushing of the material in a shredder.

2nd STEP: The material is introduced in the mill during continuous cycles.

3rd STEP: The aim of this step is to separate the metallic fraction from the non-metallic one. 


MATERIAL FOR BIOLEACHING: The non-metallic fraction obtained in the previous step is the one selected to be used in the bioleaching process that will be carried out by BIOTAWEE consortium.


B1. Optimisation of bioleaching process.


Different bioleaching tests will be carried out with WTW OxiTop systems and Erlenmeyer flasks with conditions and waste stream selected in task 1 in order to perform bench scale tests at 20 L.


A1. Feasibility study.

Selection and characterization of specific wastes from REYDESA to be bioleached (origin, shape, suitable pretreatments, etc.) and study on possibilities to use available waste streams from nearby other industries for nutrients solution.
1. Preparation of inoculum for the bioleaching cultivation experiments.
Figure 1a
Before placing into the bioleaching experiment, the Inoculum CELMS No EEUT ARGCON5 is pre-cultivated in test tubes in a thermostated shaker at t=37°C.
Photo by S. Sipp Kulli.
After pre-cultivation the remarkable haze in test tubes with inoculum demonstrates the growth of bacteria.
Photo by S. Sipp Kulli.
Figure 1c
The BiotaTec coworkers of Kärt Ukkivi, MSc and Anne Menert, PhD are examining the quality of inoculum CELMS No EEUT ARGCON5. The Inoculum has grown up and is ready to be added to the non-metallic fraction of PCBs of WEEE.
Photo by S. Sipp Kulli.
2. Study of microbial biodegradation potential of indigenous species of ARGCON5 with bioleaching cultivation experiments in microcosms with OxiTop AN measuring system.
Figure 2a
The flasks of OxiTop AN measuring system with PCBs of WEEE in growth medium inoculated with ARGCON5 and with growth medium and inoculum, 100th day of experiment. The flask with PCBs of WEEE is remarkably darker.
Photo by A. Menert.
Figure 2b
The flasks of OxiTop AN measuring system with PCBs of WEEE in growth medium inoculated with ARGCON5 adapted to e-waste, with growth medium and inoculum only and with PCBs of WEEE in growth medium (without inoculum), 10th day of experiment. In the flask with all components added, gas bubbles indicate degradation of organic matter.
Photo by A. Menert.
The flasks of OxiTop AN measuring system with PCBs of WEEE in distilled water. The liquid phase is crystal clear without haze typical to bacterial growth.
Photo by A. Menert.
Figure 2d
The flasks of OxiTop AN measuring system are maintained in thermostated shaker at t=37°C during the whole experiment.
Photo by S. Sipp Kulli.
Figure 2e
Pressure increase recorded on data logger indicates the start of methane production.
Photo by S. Sipp Kulli.
3. Principal scheme for microbiological treatment of PCBs of WEEE.
Figure 3a
Crushed Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) of WEEE in the Reydesa facility in Legutio, Spain, 17 July 2018.
Photo by A. Menert.
Figure 3b
Milled and densitometrically separated PCBs of WEEE from Reydesa, magnification 10X.
Photo by S. Kuuse.
Figure 3c
Bioleached e-waste (Estonian origin), magnification 10X.
Photo by S. Kuuse